The formal agreement of the Association VectorB2B – Drug Developing – Association for Research in Biotechnology was signed on January 15, 2019. Vector B2B resulted from the shared initiative of seven entities: Medinfar, SA, BEVAG, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Lisbon and the University of Coimbra through the CNC. IBILI, under the coordination of Technophage, SA.
The VectorB2B Collaborative Lab was approved by the International Evaluation Commission of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). VectorB2B aims to bring together: (i) highly qualified human resources in Portugal with knowledge and experience in the discovery and development of biological drugs; (ii) instrumental power in methodological analysis and trials in pharmacodynamics; iii) systematic reviews, project planning and statistical decision evaluation. It will provide specialized services such as antibody screening, in vitro and in vivo assays in areas such as ophthalmology, oncology, CNS, etc.; GMP process and production development services.
The Collaborative Laboratories represent a new R & D institution created in 2017 by FCT and “have as main objective to create, directly and indirectly, qualified employment and scientific employment in Portugal through the implementation of research and innovation oriented agendas for the creation of economic value through a growing consolidation of forms of collaboration between institutions of science, technology and higher education and the economic and social agents namely enterprises, hospitals, and cultural institutions”